How to Organize Your Planner: 9 Simple Steps

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Planning has always been an excellent way to keep up with daily commitments, met new goals, remember important dates, and budgeting your living expenses. For this purpose, nothing can be more useful than a planner.

But unfortunately, not many people know how to handle a planner. An unorganized planner is just a mess of notes which just cause stress and announce missed dates, goals, and commitments.

How to Organize Your Planner: 9 Easy Steps

Scroll down to know how to organize your planner in the proper way.

1. Buying an Appropriate Planner

The first and foremost step is to purchase a planner which suits your need. If you have to keep printed pages in your planner often, then make sure to buy a planner that has a page size of the full sheet.

You don’t want to be buying a planner with a page size of half sheet, which may look stylish and is definitely easier to carry but it would be of no use to you.

You also want to keep in mind that if you plan your stuff according to dates then buy a planner with weekly dividers but if you care less about the dates then look for a planner that has a number of dividers according to your need.

2. Buy Appropriate Stationery

The next step is to buy appropriate stationery. Ideally, you want to buy anything with which you can write in two to three colors. If you prefer, markers or crayons get them in varying colors.

It will not only, make your planner attractive, but also, it will help you see which goals, plans, dates, or events have been accomplished. You can also decorate with these pens so planning more fun and more creative.

3. Keep Your Own Key or Legend

For keeping track of your goals, plans, and upcoming events keep your own key of symbols. Specify symbols for tasks that have priority and less time, another sign for tasks which high priority but can be delayed, tasks which have low priority but less time and finally tasks which have low priority and have a lot of time. Also, you can keep symbols for work completed or half-done or still left to be done.

4. Printable Inserts

You can keep printable inserts in your planner to keep track of things too. Not only, it can save space in your planner, but it can make it look stylish and pretty. You can decorate the inserts, and it can make things more interesting and exciting to do.

5. Dividers, Lines or Arrows

The text in your planner looks very confusing in one look. This will make you bewildered and lost; if you need to quickly skim through your planner in order to decide what to do next.

To solve this problem, use arrows, divider, or lines or any other symbol you want to separate your text, so it doesn’t look confusing, and you can know where did you write which of the tasks.

6. Decorate, Decorate, and Decorate!


Use stickers, fun paper clips, or any other stuff you want to decorate your planner. The creative you are with the planner, the more fun it will be to do what you have planned, and you will be more excited to look into it more.

7. Planner Pockets

Don’t want to paste printed documents or any other relevant pages and you don’t have a place to insert in your planner. The solution is the planner pockets.

Planner pockets are easy to make and you can find how to do it easily. You can also make pockets out of decorated papers so it can make the planner more beautiful.

8. Inspirational Quotes

All the tasks in your planner may cause stress or maybe can demotivate you. For this, you can quote down inspirational quotes so that you can keep yourself motivated and breeze through your day.

9. Daily Planning Session

When you have your planner ready by following the above-given steps, another essential step is to have a daily planning session. The key is to set a proper time in your daily schedule in which you will plan for the next day.

Mark the goals and plans you achieved which were planned for the day; this will not only give you satisfaction but also, sense of achievement. Marking your achieved goals will also keep you motivated and excited for the next day.


Hopefully, this article on How to organize your planner help you personalize your journal or planner. Organizing a planner is quite easy if you just keep the above-given tips in mind. An organized planner can bring order to your daily life, and you will never lag with the tasks planned for the day, week, or month.

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